Thank you for your interest in joining CEF!

CEF is a carefully vetted, high-trust community of people engaged in addressing global challenges with God-inspired solutions.

The Membership Pre-Application below has been crafted to help our Membership Committee learn about your mission, areas of impact, and personal story to determine whether CEF would be a good fit for your goals and serve you well.

Please note that CEF strives to maintain a careful balance of industries, focus areas, and peer-level engagement which may cause some applications to be deferred or declined. If your Pre-Application is approved, you'll be asked to complete a Final Application. Approval of your Pre-Application does not guarantee approval of your Final Application or an invitation to join Membership. If you have any questions, please email us at info@christianeconomicforum.com.

Apply - CEF Membership Pre-Application

Personal Information

Name You Prefer To Be Called(Required)

Professional Information

What best describes your professional focus?(Required)

Web references(Required)
E.g. a company website, LinkedIn page, personal website, or any articles or media that effectively describe your work.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Peer References

Please list 3 peer references(Required)
By listing these references, you give us permission to interview them about your character, background, interests, and integrity. It is strongly preferable for one or more references to be existing Members of the CEF Community.
Relationship To You
Email Address
Relationship To You
Email Address
Relationship To You
Email Address

CEF Information

Statement of Faith(Required)
CEF is a community of Christian leaders who believe Jesus is Lord, His Word is true, and His principles guide our lives.
CEF Community(Required)
CEF is a community focused on collaboration around problem-solving and is not an environment for fundraising or business development.